AI changes our ability to plan and manage networks and to predict faults, special RtBrick Podcast

This video podcast was published in Telecom Reseller News on February 26, 2024. You can see the original podcast here.  

How does network disaggregation contribute to a more data-rich environment for AI systems? 

“It’s very disruptive,” says Richard Brandon of RtBrick. “It’s very disruptive to the established vendors who are who are not so keen on it for obvious reasons. Potentially, well, it will lower costs and is lowering costs, but perhaps more important is that flexibility, the fact that you can mix and match your hardware and software like you’ve been able to do in computing.” At long last the telecom world is beginning to resemble the rest of the IT world, where people can buy products and sue them in a rich multi-vendor environment, and for many purposes. In this podcast the Brandon describes how network disaggregation will contribute to a more data-rich environment for AI systems, and how network management will change with AI and disaggregation at the forefront.

I recent weeks and at recent shows, a lot of discussion has been held over the potential impact of AI. In this session, Brandon gives us a direct look at how operators leverage AI to improve network planning. Brandon drill down onto how fault detection, and root cause analysis will see AI change the way we identify issues before they impact users. We take a look, under the hood at what this means.